Iced bikkies

24 May

These biscuits were a hit at my Godson’s first birthday, and not just with the children.  I challenge you not to have fun making these yummy biscuits.  A word of warning: they are deadly sweet.  To avoid sickness, don’t eat too many lollies along the way.

  1. Scan the sweets section of your supermarket aisle for any lollies that resemble facial features. I chose jaffas, smarties, snakes, musk sticks and jelly beans. (Are you feeling ill already?)  Mini-marshmallows would also be a good choice.  The bases are Arnetts Arrowroot biscuits (one pack is plenty).  Don’t forget icing mixture and food colouring.
  2. Mix the icing.  Let’s not be precise here….. add a cup or so or icing sugar then a drop or two of water and a smidge of colouring.  Judge for yourself, you just don’t want it to be too runny or over fluorescent.  Heck, if you want it fluorescent go for it, it’s your kitchen.  Have fun mixing colours and shun any adult thoughts like ‘but faces aren’t blue’ that might creep in.
  3. Spread the icing over the biscuits.  There’s no need for perfection here.
  4. Now the fun starts. Make your faces. Recall earlier warning about NOT eating lollies along the way.  (This does not include snake heads cut off for the purposes of creating mouths that would otherwise end up in the bin)
  5. Don’t lose interest, you do need to complete the entire pack of arrow-roots. 
  6. Finished?  Take a bite of sugary goodness and feel the flood of childhood party memories engulf you.  Now reach for a glass, fill with water and gulp it down.  I told you they were sweet.

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